What Our Veterans Say...

Sgt. Walter Parker
Veteran United States Marines, Sergeant
"The ReEmerge class came at a perfect time for me I was at wits end on a dead end road leading nowhere the support and care from all the staff and the bond with other Veterans is what puts this program over the top these people really care and it shows in their dedication to the vets that attend your age nor your physical condition matters they except the challenge and adapt and modify whatever it takes to help your situation I am in a wheel chair and a graduate from class 3 when I started I was ready to give up on life all together now I have goals and know no limits all thanks to these wonderful people I urge suggest recommend and challenge any vet out there who qualifies and is sitting around feeling a void in their life to give Emerge a call sign up for the program. You wont regret it."
Veteran United States Marines
"As you try to navigate the civilian world after military service, I always felt something was missing. With Re-Emerge I felt that the camaraderie of others going through similar disabilities, wether it be physical, mental, or functional was the most transformative part of the program. You knew the other “soldiers” had your back! Matt ( my individual trainer) adapted my workouts so I could feel successful and stronger. I knew he and all the other trainers really cared. Sure it was hard work, very few good things in life aren’t. It gave me the “kick in the butt” I needed to Re- Emerge into a stronger, more confident, and energetic “me”. I can’t even explain how the addition of relationships from staff and other participants has changed my life. I found what was missing!"

Rob McWilliams
Veteran United States Army Ranger
​"I was kind of nervous at first but the group that we had and the counselors who we were paired with made things extremely easy on me. Besides the personal training that Amber put me through, you know just being able to sit down and talk to her about stuff that I haven't been able to talk about and to just get things out made the whole thing comfortable in a releaxed enviornment. Just the group that we had, it was great for the 9 weeks but its continued as a growing support system for me."